Maintenance Routine for Your Air Conditioning System

The days are getting longer and it’s the perfect time to check on your air conditioner before the hot summer weather begins. While your best option is to call in the pros for annual air conditioner maintenance, there are a few simple DIY checks you can do for your air conditioner to get a head start on your spring cleaning. 

It’s important to note here that when we’re referring to your air conditioner, oftentimes we’re talking about your heat pump as it is able to perform both functions – heating and cooling your house. This is because our island climate means that heat pumps can heat in the winter and cool in the summer. In colder regions of Canada, heat pumps can’t perform both of these functions as they don’t work well in extremely cold climates. 

Not only will it be able to keep you cool and comfortable on those sweltering summer days, but the annual maintenance of your air conditioning system will also help it to operate more efficiently. This will save you money on your energy bills and help to prolong the life of your system.air conditioner maintenance

Air Conditioner System Indoor DIY

  • Check the insulation and take note of any leaks

Check the large ducts that come directly from the main unit. Mark any suspect areas. You can show these to your HVAC technician. There are two very simple ways to check for leaks. You can either hold a thin piece of toilet paper up to an area where metal is joined together or wet your hands to make it easy to feel any air leaks. If you want to patch up a leak yourself, just make sure the area is clean and dry, then apply some HVAC foil tape. At this point, you can also do some basic duct cleaning to ensure continued great air quality in your home or business.

  • Clean the evaporator coil

Your evaporator coils need to be cleaned once a year to prevent buildup of debris. Filthy condenser coils and evaporator coils make your HVAC system work as much as 30% harder than it needs to. (Turn the system off before you start!) For heavier dirt and debris, you can use your shop vac to pull off excess dust. Next, use a mixture of basic detergent. Dish soap or something like Oxy-Clean mixed with water works well here. Combine it in a spray bottle, spray on, and wipe it off. 

  • Clear the evaporator drain (if needed)

The evaporator drain will be just a few inches from the drain line. It’s responsible for removing moisture from your home (keeping the air cool) by collecting the moisture which then goes through the drain line and out of your home. If the evaporator drain or drain line is clogged, the moisture will back up and if left unchecked, create a leak. For this reason, you’ll want to check your evaporator drain every couple of months, especially during periods of high use. Leaks can lead to flooring and wall damage that you do not want. 

  • Check for, and clear, any blockages

If you have a blockage, you can manually remove it by using a shop vac. Set the vacuum outside by the drain line and connect the hose to the drain line so it’s airtight. Wrapping a towel or rag around the hose/drain line will help it stay put. Go back to your evaporator drain inside and slowly pour warm (clean) water through. The vacuum set up outside will suction the water and any clog out. If this doesn’t do the trick, you can also try a drain snake. If this STILL doesn’t work, call us at Lockhart Industries and we’ll be happy to get that clog taken care of.

  • Change air filter

A good rule of thumb is to replace your air conditioner filter every 90 days. This ensures that the air quality through your home stays good and your AC unit is able to work as efficiently as possible. If you use reusable filters, you’ll want to use your shop vac with a brush attachment to remove dust and debris. 

Next, you can take it outside and spray it down or take it into the shower or bath to fully clean it. For best results, just use a low-pressure spray (no pressure washing here) and clear water. Let the filter dry completely before replacing it.

  • Replace your CO2 and Smoke Detector Batteries

What do CO2 detectors and smoke detectors have to do with HVAC? The key here is timing. If you service your HVAC and air conditioning system once a year, you can replace these batteries at the same time. 

This way you will always remember when your batteries were last replaced and you can rest assured that these safety devices are ready to go.

Air Conditioner System Outdoor DIY

  • Clear the area surrounding the condenser

Cut away any weeds, fallen leaves, kids’ toys, etc.… to allow for complete air flow around the condenser cabinet. For best results, keep all potential debris like mulch and trees/plants at least two feet from all sides of the condenser cabinet.

  • Clean the condenser unit

With your unit turned off, give it a spray down with a mixture of water and dish soap or your favourite gentle detergent. Spray it on, wipe the fins with a sponge or rag and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Next, take your garden hose and give everything a good spray down with a low-pressure. Again, no pressure washer is needed here, because you don’t want to damage the fins inside the unit.

  • Check the fins

Generally, the fins will always be straight and you won’t need to worry. Sometimes they can become bent from hail, rocks, falling twigs or limbs, pressure washing (do not pressure wash air conditioners) or from weed whacking/mowing carelessly. If your fins are consistently becoming bent, performance can be affected because the airflow will not be as smooth as you’d like. In this case, it might be a good idea to add a cabinet enclosure. 

  • Make sure the AC unit is level

If an air conditioning unit isn’t on level footing, it can’t work as well. This is because the oil in the compressor must be level for the motor to be able to work properly. A level air conditioning unit is also necessary for proper fluid drainage from the drain pan and drain line. The last, and most important reason is because an appliance that isn’t level is going to vibrate. When an appliance vibrates, components get constantly shaken and this leads to increased wear and tear. So, the ground under your AC unit has shifted due to increased precipitation, mild earthquakes, a crumbling concrete platform, etc.… you’ll want to have the space properly leveled.  

What Lockhart Industry Pros Will Take Care of

While there’s plenty of DIY tasks you can take care of, sometimes it’s best to call a pro to take this spring-cleaning item off of your growing to-do list. If you don’t feel confident checking on and maintaining your air conditioning unit, our HVAC technicians are glad to help. We can also take over on the more complex tasks, like:

  • Checking refrigerant for any leaks, top up any low fluids
  • Repairing major leaks in ductwork
  • Dislodging large clogs
  • Replacing drain lines and other components
  • Thoroughly testing the system’s airflow 
  • Straightening damaged fins
  • Testing the controls and electronic components
  • Inspecting, tightening and cleaning terminals and connectors
  • Checking and service the motor and belts
  • Testing the thermostat for temperature accuracy

Air Conditioner and HVAC maintenance is so important for your comfort and the energy efficiency of your unit. Book your maintenance appointment with us early to ensure that your air conditioner is all set to go for another wild Vancouver Island summer. Don’t have any ductwork? Ask us about ductless split air conditioners. These are also the ideal solution for homes and businesses that only need to be cooled in one area or has insufficient ductwork. There’s no need to be overheated and uncomfortable. Contact us by phone at (250) 748-1731 or via email today to learn more.

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