How To Reduce Your Heat Pump’s Power Consumption

The cost of powering a heat pump can be unpredictable, depending on where in the world you live, and what season it is. The label on the unit can tell you roughly how much energy your unit uses in perfect conditions, but, in real life, conditions aren’t normally perfect.daikin heat pump

A number of factors can contribute to efficiency such as age, what shape the unit is in, how your space is arranged, how the air ducts are designed and what the weather outside is like. Because of these factors, figuring out how much air conditioning is costing you is more of an art than a science.

If you are more interested in reducing the amount of energy it takes to power your unit than figuring out exactly how big that figure is, there are a few handy ways to do that.

Tips to Lower the Operating Cost of your Heat Pump

  1. Upgrade. If possible, make sure your heat pump has a good efficiency rating.
  2. Change your air filters. A clogged air filter will cause the unit to have to work harder, which means it will consume more energy to condition your space.
  3. Insulation. If your space isn’t well insulated, it won’t hold your desired temperature as well, since air will be seeping through the poorly insulated areas. Thus, the system will have to work harder to condition your space.
  4. Regular Maintenance. By making sure that your unit is in peak working condition, you can cut down on the operating costs. A heat pump that has to overcome functional difficulties has to work harder.
  5. Turn it down. By turning your heat pump down by one degree (which is not even noticeable), you make it so that it has to run less often, thus saving the amount of power needed to operate it.programmable thermostat to lower heat pump operating costs
  6. Schedule. By using a programmable thermostat, your heat pump only runs when you need it, you eliminate unnecessary usage, which in turn eliminates unnecessary power consumption.
  7. Size matters. Your heat pump should be powerful enough to condition your space, while also taking into consideration how many people usually use the space (since body heat alters the temperature of a room). One that is not strong enough to properly condition the space it is in will have to work harder, which will require more energy to run the backup heat.
  8. Close windows and doors. This may seem a bit obvious, but when your heat pump is running, having windows and doors open will literally send money right to the great outdoors.

If you are not lucky enough to live in an area with year-round perfect temperatures (and who is?), chances are you will need to condition your air to help keep your home or business comfortable. A heat pump will provide heating in the colder months and cooling in the warmer months – all from the same unit. Heat pumps, if not maintained properly, can significantly increase the operating costs of the unit but by using the above tips, you can reduce the amount of power needed and thus the amount of money you will spend on it.

If it’s time to get your heat pump serviced or if it’s time to upgrade to a newer model, contact Lockhart Industries today. HVAC services from Victoria BC to Duncan.

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