Your Guide to Indoor Heating & Maintenance for Pet Owners

HVAC and Pets — It is an undeniable fact that there are many benefits to having a pet in the home. Being able to interact with a furry friend can reduce your stress levels, improve your mood, help you get more exercise and even help control chronic pain. Some pets can even be trained to sense oncoming seizures or the presence of disease! The positive impact that having a pet can have on your life is easily as big as the unconditional love they give you.

hvac and pets - maintenance and tips
Being a pet owner is rewarding, that’s for sure, but along with the rewards comes the responsibility of cleaning and taking steps to ensure that your home is safe for them. When you throw the presence of an HVAC system into the mix, the health and safety of your whole family (including your furry friend) can be a matter for concern.
That said, there are steps you can take to address the potential issues that could arise in your role as a pet and HVAC owner.

10 Ways for Pet Owners to Maintain their HVAC System.

  1. Clean the Filters Regularly. An air filter is designed to trap impurities, thus maintaining or improving the quality of the air in your home. If the filter is not cleaned or replaced regularly, it can become clogged, which can result in your system functioning poorly. These filters will also trap fur and dander, so they can become clogged easily. Generally, it’s recommended that the air filters get replaced every 20-45 days depending, of course, on how many furry friends you have living with you.
  2. Proper Pet Hygiene. You may not be able to see it, but your furry buddy has dander. Every time they scratch themselves, that dander is released into the air in your home. You can’t avoid dander completely, but you can reduce its presence in your home by bathing and brushing your pet regularly. You could even consider using a pet food designed to reduce the production of dander.
  3. Get an Air Purifier. While it’s true that HVACs have an air purification component in their design, getting an additional air purifier is a relatively inexpensive way to reduce the amount of work your HVAC has to do to clean the air in your home and control the presence of allergens. This way, the air purifier removes the fur and dander before these impurities even reach your HVAC system.
  4. Your Pet’s Comfort Matters. Making your pet comfortable in their home is basically the same as ensuring the human residents in your home are comfortable. They require a stable temperature—not too hot and not too cold—since extreme or fluctuating temperatures can affect their health.
  5. Exposed Wires. Pets are curious beings. They will want to investigate everything in their environment, whether it’s good for them or not. For younger animals, or just those that are prone to investigating with their teeth (such as rabbits or hamsters), exposed wires can be a significant risk. In order to keep your pets safe, make sure that your HVAC is properly installed by a certified professional and that there are no exposed wires.
  6. Clean Your Home Regularly. Although bathing and brushing your pet will go a long way toward reducing the amount of fur and dander that ends up in your HVAC system, they will still shed. By regularly dusting and vacuuming your home, you’ll reduce the impact that loose fur and dander will have on your HVAC and thus the quality of air in your home.
  7. Clean your Vents and Ducts. When your ductwork gets dirty, it’s a good idea to address the issue as soon as possible to avoid it having any impact on your HVAC system.
  8. The Pet Door. If you have an active dog or cat, you might also have a pet door leading outside so they can come and go as they wish. This may be convenient for you and your pet but, if it’s not properly installed, it may not be very convenient in terms of your electric bill. Make sure the pet door is fully caulked to prevent the heat or cold from escaping your home and putting a strain on your HVAC system.
  9. Regular Check-Ups. Like you, your HVAC needs regular checkups to make sure that everything is functioning properly, even if you take preventative measures. A seasonal inspection by a certified professional will not only help to keep your HVAC operating at peak performance, but it will also further prevent the spread of pet dander in your home.
  10. Fence it Off. An unsupervised pet can be a bit of a problem for the outdoor unit of your HVAC. If you have a dog that regularly uses your yard as a bathroom, it may urinate on your outdoor unit if left unattended. Over time, pet urine can cause parts of your unit to deteriorate, resulting in costly repairs or even the outright replacement of the unit. You can get around this by simply putting a fence or some other barrier around the unit so that Fido doesn’t use it as their personal pee spot.

If you’re a pet owner, and you’re thinking about investing in an HVAC system for your home, consider giving the professionals here at Lockhart Industries a call!

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